What is a Database? Concept with Free video Course in 2025

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  • Post last modified:January 3, 2025
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What is a Database Hello, friends welcome to all of you. In today’s post, we are going to talk.

About Database Today I will give you all the information about the database. So that you have a good understanding of the database.

What is a Database? Complete Concept with video Course

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What is a Database?

It is a mechanical manager for storing data in an organized manner. In this, personal details like digital information can be kept securely.

Along with this, you can also keep photos, videos, etc. Various files can also be stored in it.

It is an electronic data storage from where the file is accessed, it is used online. Like we search for various things on the internet. The result we get to see.

All that data is stored in the database. Which comes from Database Management System. What is a DatabaseFor example, let’s talk about social media networks.

First, let’s take the example of Facebook. That when we create an account on Facebook, then our name, mobile number, email, all this data is stored in the database. And after that whenever we log in.

So we have to enter our number email and password when we log in after entering both. So our passwords and email are searched in the database.

As soon as it connects to the database. So we are able to log in to our account.What is a Database Let’s talk about YouTube in the same way.

When no one makes a video. So we upload it to our YouTube channel and our YouTube account. The video we uploaded. It gets stored in the database of our account. After that everyone can watch that video.

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  • Database Management System manages the database.
  • It gives a chance to access it in different ways.
  • Through this data is viewed and managed.
  • What is a Database
  • It is working as a digital administrator.
  • Through this, the data can be viewed again.


  • Takes a lot of money to build a database.
  • Is obtained after going through a complex process.
  • It costs more to build an advanced database.
  • What is a Database
  • Smaller databases may not represent large-scale databases.
  • More people view the data at the same time. So the database stops working.


1. Distributor

General information is kept inside this type of database. And do not keep this data in one place. This data is kept in the data centers of various companies and organizations.

2. Network DBMS

These types of databases result in great amounts. Here RDM acts as a data server system. This is an example that applies as a network model.

3. Personal

Used for common family members. It is easily managed through the computer. Those who use personally used data. Most of the company use this data in one department.

4. Graph

A graph database is used in graphical form. These types of databases use computer databases. For the exam, you can take the medium of social media on the internet.

Because all the customers come and go on social media. So they can be depicted graphically.

5. Multimodal

These types of databases are one of a kind. Models that perform a type of database processing are defined as models. Certain information is arranged inside it.

6. Cloud

There are many advantages of this type of database. They have a lot of storage capacity. And they store data on a large scale. And the access is also very quick and speedy. This type of database is used by a multinational company to keep its data in a systematic way.

7. Open-Source

This type of database works to store the data on the go. In this, such as data of customers, employees, etc. who do regular work? The work of organizing the store of data in that way is of an open-source database.

8. Relational

There are different types of databases of this type. Like MySQL Microsoft SQL etc. These are examples of database management systems. These are known as open-source databases. It manages the data.

9. Object-oriented

All types of data are stored in this type of database. We can also use this organization’s company or personal form. PostgreSQL is an example of an object-oriented database.

What is DBMS?

The database management system works for the collection of data. The data it stores. Works to bring it to the people and keep it.

It collects all those data and manages it in the data center. And when data is needed. Works to exchange data. Along with this, it also works to control the data.

Five components

There are five components of the database, about which we will know in detail, below is given complete information about these components. With this, the database’s complaints are the most important, so let’s know.

  • Data
  • Processing
  • data access
  • Hardware
  • Software

Let us understand in detail the main five components of the database. What is the function of these components? And how it works with Data Base Management System.

1. Data

If the data is spoken in a common language, then it is a row material. Which is not fully capable. Data is collected and organized. and is organized. For example, data is a number, character, image, voice, etc.

2. Processing

There is a process of exchanging data inside the database management system. What we call processing. This is whatever document or whatever happens inside the database. It works to reach and keep it to the user.

3. Hardware

Hardware is a physical part. Which we can use easily. can touch. Through this, the data and the database management system can be intersected.

4. Software

Software is a program. which is already set. It works to control. Through this, database software exchanges data between operating systems, etc. Data can be exchanged through these. conveniently on any electronic device

5. DATA Access

Through Database Access Language we access the data to the database and update it to store it. There are some languages to access the database. And commands are given through those languages, after that we can see the data.

Databases and SQL

Course Enroll: 384,068 students

Duration of Course: 2hr 17min

Language: English

What you Learn About This Course:

  • Query
  • Create Tables
  • SQL query

Databases Management

Course Enroll: 74,297 students

Duration of Course: 2hr 41min

Language: English

What you Learn About This Course:

  • Design
  • Management

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Database?

The database organizes information. It is a digital data center. Where data is kept securely. From here you can easily access the data. Various information can be stored inside the database.

2. 4 Types

  • Centralized
  • Distributor
  • Cloud
  • Network

3. What is the full form of DBMS?

Its full form is Database Management System.


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