Java Tutorial Free Course for Beginners: Learn to program using the Java programming language

Learn to program in the Java programming language. This course assumes no previous programming knowledge, just a desire to learn to program.
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Course content (Java Tutorial Free Course for Beginners )
preface and Installation
Introducing the Java for Complete newcomers course, and what you need to install in order to get started. Do not worry too important about what this stuff we are installing actually do we’ll look at that coming time.
What is Artificial Intelligence
What is DATA? Database System Full Information
What Java Is and How It Works
In this tutorial we’ll talk about similar effects as the Java Virtual Machine and the Java Development Kit; we’ll bandy what a programming language is exactly, and how you principally make your computer do stuff.
Getting a Job and What to Study After Completing Basic Java
What should you do when you’ve completed an introductory Java course, and can you get a job with Java? In this videotape, I will explain a bit about some of the major areas of advanced Java, the process of changing a job, and what you might want to study next, once you’ve completed introductory Java.
How To Get The utmost eschewal Of This Course
Some ideas about how stylish to learn Java and how to work through this course.
A Hello World Program
produces a simple Java program with decline.
Using Variables
Variables are one of the most introductory essential structure blocks of computer programs. We will take a look at Java’s introductory types of variables then.
Strings Working With Text
The String class allows you to work with textbooks in Java.
While circles
In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to produce circles in your law so that you can execute the same lines of the law constantly.
For circles
” For” circles allow you to control exactly how numerous times your circle executes. ” If” A tutorial on how to get stoner input in your program using the Scanner class.
Do. While
How to use. while circles in Java, plus variable compass and multi-line commentary. I take a look at a result of a generally- assigned freshman’s exercise in Java.
The switch statement lets you choose between multiple druthers
How to use arrays in Java; creating, penetrating, and repeating through arrays. Also, a look at the difference between a value and a reference.
Arrays of Strings
A tutorial on arrays of Strings in Java, plus another way to reiterate through an array, and further stuff on the difference between values and references.
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
How to work with multi-dimensional arrays in Java and word on how multi-dimensional arrays actually work, plus some tips on how to flash back which indicator is which.
Classes and Objects
It’s eventually time to take a look at classes and objects, the main structure blocks of OO( Object acquainted) programming.
Classes( and objects) can contain data and subroutines, the ultimate being appertained to as” styles”. We will look at styles then.
Note there is a little error right at the end then– I copiedperson1.sayHello() but did not change it to person2.
Getters and Return Values
In this tutorial, we’ll look at returning values from styles, including the standard” get system”,” getter” or” accessor” form.
system Parameters
We have formerly covered returning values from styles; now we’ll take a look at passing values to styles. These two ways allow you, among other effects, to produce styles that reuse one piece of data into another.
Setters and” this”
Setters( or set styles, or, if you have come from the 1970s in a time machine,” mutators”), allow you to change the data in your objects. We will also take a look then at the” this” keyword.
Constructors are a special kind of system that gets run automatically when you produce an object from a class( or in the lingo,” instantiate” an object).
stationary( and Final)
A tutorial on the static keyword in Java. We will also take a look at” final”.
String Builder and String Formatting
It’s time to take a near look at the important content of formatting and combining strings.
The toString system
toString() is a system of the Object class, which is the ultimate parent of all objects in Java. By booting it, you can apply a way to produce a string representation of your object.
Heritage is one of the introductory structure blocks of OO programs. And yes, believe it or not, it’s actually used in the real world– constantly– but maybe most frequently when working with elaborate external APIs, similar to Swing or servlets.
Packages allow you to organize your Java law, in a hierarchical structure exactly like the brochure structure on your computer.
Interfaces are a vital tool in Java programming. At first, you may be tempted to suspect that people only use them to show off their Java chops; but once you understand completely what they do, you will not want to do without them. Trust me on this bone
Public, Private, defended
Public, private, and defended are Java keywords that allow you to apply” encapsulation”– hiding down the internal medium of your classes while exposing only certain named styles to the rest of your program.
Polymorphism means being suitable to use a child class wherever a parent class is anticipated. For illustration, if you want to use a class of type Beast, you can always use a class of type Canine rather( if Canine extends Beast).
Encapsulation and the API Croakers
Encapsulation is the art of hiding down the workings of a class and only exposing a public API. We will also take a look at how to read the API croakers
Casting Numerical Values
Let’s take a look at how to change one kind of number into another.
Upcasting and Downcasting
Upcasting and downcasting really test your understanding of Java references and objects. However, it’s also veritably useful away from testing your understanding), also you’ve surely got the aptitude to make a great programmer, If you can understand this stuff( and yes. And if you CAN’T understand it, also stick at it)
Using Generics
Generics allow you to use and produce classes that work with objects, the type of which you can specify when you use” new”.
Generics and Wildcards
still, you might want to make use of some intriguing syntax, If you want to pass templated objects to styles.
Anonymous Classes
Anonymous classes look a bit weird at first, but they can really help to streamline your law.
Reading lines Using Scanner
The easiest way to read a textbook train is by using the Scanner class. We will take a look at Scanner in this tutorial. Scanner principally just parses an input sluice( a sequence of bytes, in other words) into lines or commemoratives, but it’ll open a train for you too if you ask it the right way.
Handling Exceptions
It’s eventually time to start looking at exceptions. A major element of the Java language, and one that you are bound to run across in any sizeable program. Then we’ll look at the two ways of handling exceptions and how they work
Multiple Exceptions
You can throw further than one possible type of exception from a system, and you can catch multiple exceptions in your pass-catch block We will look at the possibilities then, and also take a look at a common interview/ test question.
Runtime vs. Checked Exceptions
So far we have looked at checked exceptions; the kinds of exceptions that you’re forced to handle. But there are also unbounded( runtime) exceptions. These are exceptions that you can handle if you want to, but you are not forced to. Knowing about the two main kinds of exceptions is considered an important test of knowledge in Java.
Abstract Classes
Abstract classes allow you to define the parent class of a new scale without having to worry about the stoner actually expressing the parent. For the case you could produce a” Beast” class just to act as the base for” Canine”,” Cat,” Sheep” and so on, indeed defining some functionality in” Beast”, but at the same time precluding the stoner of your scale from trying to produce a” Beast” object( which after all wouldn’t make important sense– you noway encounter an abstract” beast” in the real world; only particular kinds of creatures).
Reading lines With train anthology
To really get serious about reading lines in Java, you need to get used to mounding objects inside each other like Russian dolls. Although the law we’ll examine then’s complex, in the coming tutorial we’ll discover a Java 7 language point that can simplify it a lot. It’s also a veritably flexible structure for reading lines since you can read different kinds of lines by changing a class or two.
Try- With- coffers
The Java 7 Try- With- coffers syntax can largely simplify your train reading/ jotting law.
Creating and Writing Text lines
A tutorial on writing textbook lines. Which is veritably analogous to reading textbook lines.
The Equals Method
A tutorial on how to apply the. equals system for your own classes.
Inner Classes
Classes can be declared nearly anywhere in Java. In particular, it’s frequently veritably useful to declare either static or non-static classes within other classes.
Enum Types introductory and Advanced operation
The enum keyword lets you produce constants that belong to a fixed set of values( suppose colors, creatures, etc). In the first half of this videotape, we’ll look at the introductory operation and why we need enum, also we’ll move on to a more advanced operation.
Source law http//
Recursion A Useful Trick Up Your Sleeve
Recursion is a programming fashion that allows you to break certain kinds of problems veritably elegantly. It involves calling a system from itself. Crazy!
Source law http//
Serialization Saving Objects to lines
Serialization is the process of turning objects into a sluice of double data; by reissuing objects, you can store them in a train and restore them latterly from the same train, enforcing saving and lading in your operation.
Reissuing Arrays
We can contribute entire arrays( or ArrayLists) just as fluently as single objects. I will also show you a good trick for reissuing multiple objects collectively in this tutorial, plus we’ll talk a bit about type erasure.
The flash Keyword and further Serialization
To finish off the stuff about serialization, we’ll take a look at the flash keyword, plus many effects that might catch you out.
Passing by Value
Java only supports one system of passing values to styles, unlike,e.g. C. We will take a look at exactly how the argument end works in this tutorial( note the source law attached to this lecture; for other lectures, see the source attached to the final lecture).
ArrayList Arrays the Easy Way
The ArrayList class takes the work out of using arrays, by furnishing you with a resizeable array object.
Linked Lists
Still, you need a linked list, If you want to add particulars efficiently to nearly in a list other than the morning or end.
IMPORTANT NOTE I had misknown commodity when making this videotape, as refocused out to me by” kid basic” on YouTube among others. However, the list has to reiterate over all particulars in itself up to that point in order to find the insertion/ omission point, If you add or fit a commodity to a LinkedList by specifying an indicator. So adding or removing to LinkedList is only briskly if you use an iterator, which you have ready pointing at the correct point. See the tutorial on iterators latterly on for further words.
HashMap Retrieving Objects via a crucial
Charts let you store crucial-value dyads so that for illustration you can recoup objects via an ID. HashMap is the most featherlight in terms of memory and the bone
you will use the most frequently.
Sorted Charts
still, you can use special kinds of charts, If you want your chart keys to be sorted. A lot of what we’ll cover then also applies to sets, which we’ll look at shortly.
Used less frequently than lists or charts, sets are nonetheless great for creating collections of effects that are unique in other words, for removing duplicates. It’s also veritably quick to check whether a value exists in a set, whereas checking for the commodity in a list can take a long time in computer terms.
Using Custom Objects in Sets and as Keys in Charts
still, or you want to use them as the keys in charts, you need to do a couple of little effects If you want to use objects of your own classes in sets.
Sorting Lists
Common demand for a list is to sort it in some kind of order. Fortunately, Java makes sorting veritably easy.
Natural Ordering
How will your objects be sorted, if you sort them ever? The kind order frequently depends on a commodity called the natural order, and you can define custom natural orders for your own classes to sort them in the order you want.
Ranges are used less frequently than lists, sets, and charts, but they are still veritably useful; especially if you are doing any multi-threading.
Using Iterators
Iterators are the thing that enables you to get each element in a collection in sequence. We will look at using them in this tutorial, also the coming time we’ll move on to enforcing our own.
Enforcing Iterable
still, you will be suitable to reiterate over your own custom collection, If you apply Iterable.
Deciding Which Collection to Use
It’s time for a review of how to choose which of the main Collection classes and types to use. In this tutorial, we’ll go over some stuff we learned before and bring it all together.
Complex Data Structures
You can use” nested” Collections objects to represent all kinds of complicated data structures in Java; charts of lists of sets of charts, etc, etc. We will take a look at a simple illustration then, inspired by a university coursework question.
decline Shortcuts
Getting a Job Extended Version What you need, a strategy for changing work, and my story.
An extended videotape detailing my strategy for chancing a job as a software inventor, plus stuff about the question of whether you need experience or a degree, what you can do to increase your chances, and my own particular story of how I got into software development.
Ten Tips for perfecting Your Coding
Ten tips that every programmer should know( and hopefully the professionals formerly do!). These tips WILL, if followed, monstrously increase your productivity.
Debugging in Eclipse
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at using the Eclipse debugger. Debugging is useful when your program compiles and runs but does not do what you anticipate, and you are having a hard time figuring out why. Debugging allows you to execute the program line by line and to see what values each variable in your program has at each step.
Lambda Expressions
A tutorial on the most important new point in JDK 8. Note, that the source law is attached to this lecture. Source law for utmost other lectures is attached to the final lecture in this course.
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